Sunday, December 8, 2019

Optimized MSP430 Assembly in Mecrisp Forth

A few years ago, I got interested in Forth due to its connection to RPN calculators but lost interest because of the huge hit to performance a stack-based system takes on an architecture like 6502. Recently, my interest was piqued again during a conversation in the #Forth IRC channel on FreeNode about Mecrisp-Across, which uses an ARM-based microcontroller board to produce optimized assembly for the MSP430. Because the compiler tries to keep values in registers instead of the stack, it has the potential to reclaim some of the performance lost in most Forths. Some of these optimizations might be useful for a 6502-based Forth, so I tried to understand how optimizations in Mecrisp work.

The first step was getting Mecrisp running on a PC. The author provides versions that are compiled for ARM with Linux system calls, so you can use QEMU for emulation under Linux. Getting this working on Windows was a real challenge. One Debian image I tried emulating with QEMU crashed the emulator outright. Another image booted into Linux but refused to install QEMU complaining about needing the Linux CD in the drive before it would install any packages. Getting Ubuntu working on VirtualBox under Windows 10 and installing QEMU on it wasn't too tough, but the Mecrisp image wouldn't run until I got the right type of QEMU (there are several). The right combination was VirtualBox, an Ubuntu image from OSboxes, and QEMU-user-static.

Monday, August 19, 2019

New Project: 6502 Assembly Optimizer

This is another project on the list of open projects from a few months ago. The goal is to improve 6502 assembly code used in the firmware of a graphing calculator project. The first step is to manage how local memory is used, since the current options are not that great. One option is stack-based addressing in zero page, which monopolizes the X register. This is one cycle slower than hard coding a static address in zero page and mostly prevents the use of the X register for anything else useful, leading to less efficient code. The other option is assigning each local variable to its own address in zero page, which is very wasteful. With only 256 bytes, you run out of room pretty fast. This project assigns zero page automatically by determining which functions call each other (call graph pictured above) and assigning memory so that functions which never overlap share the same memory. In this test code, 38 bytes of local variables fit into only 19 bytes of zero page. Here is a graph where each row represents one byte of zero page and each block one byte of local memory in a function:

Depending on the shape of the call graph, it might be possible to fit a large number of variables in a small amount of zero page.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

6502 Calculator Emulator: Website

 Yesterday I finished setting up a website to host my 6502 calculator emulator: So far, it's just running EhBASIC to test that everything works. Getting the website going with AWS was a lot easier than I thought it would be! It's about as straightforward as possible with S3.

Since the last post, I've made a lot of tweaks and improvements to the emulator. One big difference is caching the color values for the screen pixels to avoid accessing an array within an array. This brought draw time down from 150-280ms to 15-70ms. Before that, typing was noticeably laggy. The new version also has the option to follow the program counter and memory accesses in the bottom two panes that were hard coded to 0xC000 and 0xFF00. You can also select which page to view there if you don't want to follow along. There were a few bugs to work out too. The assembly listing was totally blank after loading EhBASIC since the code started at 0xC000 and the emulator was treating those addresses as labels. Lines like LDA <#CharTable were being corrupted since the < was being treated like an HTML tag until it was replaced with &lt;. After that was fixed, I added a feature to scroll the listing to the currently executed line when single stepping. The last change was enabling access to peripherals from any addressing mode so PEEK and POKE work correctly. Before that, the emulator only checked direct addressing for peripheral access to save time.

Last night I got a text-based mandelbrot program from Gordon Henderson's website going. It worked fine after adjusting the screen height and width. Then I tried using POKE to change the color of the characters:

Thursday, June 27, 2019

New Project: 6502 Calculator Emulator

In my post about Open Projects, I mentioned this project, and now I'm officially announcing it. This is a JavaScript based emulator of the 65C02 processor that runs in the browser. My plan is to write assembly and load the assembled binaries into the emulator where I can test them. Eventually, the page will be hosted on a public site where other people can try the software for the 6502 calculator I'm working on and report bugs.

Before I started on this project, I looked at a lot of other browser based emulators hoping I could use one of them. Some are unbelievably slow, working at way less than 1MHz and would not work well to test the calculator code that will eventually run at at least 10MHz. All of the emulators I looked at also lacked bank switching. The calculator will probably need several hundred kilobytes of memory which none of the emulators provide. The last reason is being able to map the peripherals into memory how I like and have them resemble the actual physical calculator I'll build when the software is finished.

The slower emulators I looked at do the emulation and interface in one thread as far as I can tell. Doing the emulation in a second thread with a Web Worker is a huge performance increase. In my emulator, the emulation thread performs a set number of instructions then checks in with the interface thread to get keyboard input and relay new screen contents. Setting the number of instructions to 1,000,000 yields around 70MHz performance, which is five times faster than the actual chip. It also makes typing a little unresponsive, so I set it to just 100,000 which is a good balance between responsiveness and performance of around 20MHz.

The emulation code ended up fairly compact. This is my first JavaScript project, and when I showed it to someone asking for advice, he said it looked like low-level C code. Each addressing mode has its own function and each operation (ADC, AND, ORA, etc) has its own function. The functions for the instructions themselves are very short since they are mostly combinations of those two types of functions. Rather than a switch statement, I use the op codes to index into an array of functions, which is probably a lot faster. This is how I would do it in C and it works in JavaScript, although the guy who was helping me pointed out that there are higher level structures in JavaScript that you could use instead. Banking works by splitting the first three 16k segments into banks (minus the first 200 bytes for zero page and the stack) and leaving the fourth segmented unbanked since it will always be EEPROM.

The first thing I tried when I got the emulator working was the test suite by Klaus Dormann. It passed after a few modifications, mostly to memory address wrapping. Then I mapped two banks of RAM to a simulated 256x128 video output where each pixel is represented by one byte. The final calculator might be black and white or have less color resolution, but I'll use this for now. I made a simple font which is copied to the display memory pixel by pixel. This didn't look especially impressive, so I found a much better looking one online to use instead. Next I added support for transparent backgrounds.

I got EhBASIC running after a couple days of fighting with it. The first command entered would work and the second would fail with "Syntax Error" depending on what the command was. I tried all kinds of things to find the problem, including stepping through the code to evaluate input, before I tracked it down to a location in zero page. It looked like one of the bytes there holding interrupt information was somehow corrupt since the error was thrown after it was evaluated. The source listed a handful of zero page bytes as free to use, so I put the pointer for updating the screen there. As it turns out, the byte is not actually free! Everything worked fine after I moved the pointer somewhere else.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

More Calculator Processors

Last year I wrote a post about a lot of different processors that could be used to make a calculator. Recently I decided to buy some of them from the CPU Shack Trade List and found some others that might also work. John, who sold me the chips, was really helpful and sent everything very quickly.

These are the processors from the last post that I got examples of:


The really exciting one is the NS32FX164. It seems like a really neat chip, and I was having trouble finding any of the NS32FX160 series chips to play with. There are a lot of variants built on this core, and this seems like one of the best ones to have. The instruction set is really interesting since there are so many options and extensions. This is definitely a CISC processor.

These are new chips not covered in the last post:

2650AN - This is an 8 bit microprocessor with more registers and instructions that a 6502. However, it has a strange 13-bit address system that makes it less useful than all the other processors that can address at least 16 bits. The one I got is the A version which is missing some of the added instructions of the B version. Top speed is apparently 1.25MHz.

INS8073/N - This is another 8 bit chip that that also has limited addressing potential. The main appeal of this processor is that it has a version of BASIC built into ROM. I don't think I would rely on that for the calculator's main language, but it might be neat to have it as an option to play with. Hopefully there is a way to boot from external memory and jump into BASIC later.

L3903-57 - This is part of an offshoot of the 6502 family that was used as part of modem chipsets. It has a lot of microntroller features like internal RAM and peripherals like timers. It runs at up to 20.5MHz, compared to the 8MHz of the 6502 derived microcontroller made by WDC and the 14MHz of a 65C02. It is not entirely compatible with the 65C02 since it handles indirect jump instructions differently and has additional instructions for threaded code. It might have more flexible timing constraints, which could be helpful even if it isn't running at top speed.

N8X305N - This is the weirdest processor in the list by far. It has a 16-bit wide instruction bus but no dedicated bus for data. External data access can only be conducted through two "ports." The really strange thing about this chip is that it only has eight instructions. The OR instruction, for example, has to be synthesized from AND and XOR. It seems like it would be a big challenge to write assembly for this.

SAB80199 - This is a neat 16-bit chip made by Siemens. Unfortunately, I can't find a datasheet for it, so I'm not sure yet if it would work well for a calculator. I paid to access the datasheet database at, but the link they sent was broken. Hopefully they will respond to my messages soon.

As I wrote in my another post, I'll have to finish some of the projects I have open now before I start on something with one of these chips.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Tiny Calculator: Keypad

The last few weeks I have spent a lot of time on the keypad for my Tiny Calculator project and the results are a little surprising! After considering a lot of different ways to make caps for the keys, I finally bought a 3D printer, specifically an Ender 3. Before that, I tried using an Xacto knife to cut out a base and a slightly smaller square post from PVC I bought at the craft store. The result was pretty uneven and there didn't seem to be any way to make them all exactly the same size, so I bought the 3D printer the same day. It was easy to put together and has produced great prints from the very first time I tried it!

The first thing I worked on was designing a button cap with a skirt that would keep it from falling out of a grid overlay. It was really easy to do in OpenSCAD. I printed several versions to get the dimensions right and design a hole in the base so it would fit over the posts of the tactile switches. The first version was black and looked really nice. Next, I started on the overlay and experimented with several versions. One that was only 0.5mm thick fell apart when it came off the raft it was printed on, and I eventually settled on 1mm for the thickness. As I experimented with improving it, I added supports that fit over the header pins on the keypad to keep everything straight and holes for longer pins to keep the grid attached. This worked really well to keep the keys straight and attached but the grid was still a little flexible because it was so thin, so I added a 3mm wall around the edge which made the print very rigid.

The buttons themselves were printed with the holes for the posts facing down. The slicer program inserts tiny supports to keep the hole from collapsing while the button is being printed. It took a long time to carve the supports out and the results ended up being a little uneven. Some of the holes were slightly too deep and the entire button post fit in them with no clearance for the button to be pressed. This led some buttons to have a stronger click and some to stick up farther than the others. One thing I tried to make them more even was to print them in rows of five with the hole facing up. The hole depths all turned out extremely uniform but the lip holding them together came out garbled and they easily broke apart since the lip had to basically be printed parallel to the ground with no support. The next time, I turned the row of five on its end, which worked since I had removed the lower skirt edge to make room for the lip holding them together. Printing five of them in a row like this makes the button presses more uniform and the rows straighter.

The design for the keys labels was done in Google Sheets and copy and pasted into Paint. This worked really well! It was way easier to make modifications and keep all the text uniformed and aligned than doing it in Gimp, which I tried a few months ago. Once I had the design, I went to Staples and had them printed on overhead transparencies. Unfortunately, there is no way to print in white on a standard printer, so you couldn't see anything when the labels were put on black buttons. I bought a roll of white plastic and now the labels look exactly how I planned. For the next iteration, I bought a cheap inkjet printer and transparency paper so I can make the labels myself. They are printed in reverse so I can glue the ink side down and avoid smudges from finger presses. I designed and printed a little bracket for cutting out the labels at exactly the right size, but it turned out not to be useful. Super gluing all of the labels on took a couple tries to get right, but I'm very happy with the result! Now that I have the 3D printer, I plan to make similar keypads for some of my other projects.

Test button made from PVC

Different versions of the button cap

Under side of the button caps. The middle one still has supports.

Failed 0.5mm overlay print

1mm overlay print

Overlay with added wall for stability
Failed print of five connected buttons

Successful print of five connected buttons

Bracket for cutting out labels

Keypad labels

Monday, June 10, 2019

Open Projects

After starting on my 7400 Calculator project, I thought about how many projects I have open at the moment. Like a lot of hobbyists, I seem to start more than I finish. Most of these are not abandoned, since I do plan to get back to them someday. I decided to take stock here of how far I am and what is left to do. There are two projects here I have not posted about: 6502 Optimizing Assembler and 6502 Calculator Emulator. There isn't really enough yet to write about, but I might as well mention them since I have been working on them now and then for a while. They would also be good for the github page I want to set up and list when I apply for jobs. My plan is to finish most if not all of these projects before I start on something else. Otherwise the list might keep growing without finishing any of them.

Tiny Calculator
A few weeks ago, I put a lot of work into the interface code, which ended up taking more time and effort than I imagined. Like in my RPN Scientific Calculator, the interface code takes up a lot of space compared to the math routines. So far, I can enter numbers and do addition and subtraction, but I still need to fix the sign of the result. For the rest of the calculations, I need to write a lot of checking code for things like scaling angles before applying trig functions and avoiding inputting negative numbers in logarithm functions. Two weeks ago I made some major progress with the keypad, which I will post about soon.

Posts related to Tiny Calculator

Pocket Calculator
This project kind of stalled because I got busy with other stuff and also because I hit a few hardware problems that I did not solve. The LCD would work when the speed of the SPI clock was set very low and it would continue to work once I turned the speed up to what the LCD is rated for, but if I turned the calculator off, the LCD would not work again until I set the speed back to very slow. The LCD also did not work when I fully closed the case. Eventually, one of the very stiff ethernet wires I was using broke right off. I will need to rewire the LCD with different wire and start over on the emulator I was working on.

Posts related to Pocket Calculator

Programmable RPN Calculator
The last time I worked on this calculator in 2015, I considered it finished other than labels for the keypad. One thing I figured out in the meantime is that the key reading is not entirely reliable since two of the pins on the LPC1114FN28 are open drain, which I did not account for. It also seems that I did not write the key reading code correctly, so there is a chance of shorting pins when you press two keys at once. These probably won't take long to fix, then I will make labels for the keypad, which should be easy now that I have done it for my Tiny Calculator. Another thing that might be helpful is to review the source code and make sure all of my checking code is correct.

Posts related to Programmable RPN Calculator

7400 Logic Calculator
This is my latest project and I have been doing a lot of work on it, so I am still really excited about it. I might try to finish some of the projects that are close to done before I return to this to get them out of the way.

6502 Graphing Calculator
In summer 2015, I put this calculator together very quickly to try to get it ready for Makevention that year. Not suprisingly, it did not work at all since I was in such a hurry putting it together. I'm not sure it would be worth it to resurrect this project, but I would like to at least return to it and figure out why it didn't work. One possibility is that the LCD was damaged when I was trying to drive it with an MSP430 since the wires I used had metal connectors that kept shorting to each other. Another thing I noticed when I pulled the board out a few weeks ago was that the EEPROM is not a modern CMOS chip but something older that uses 140mA and has a slow 250ms access time. The latches to drive the LCD are 74LS874s, which I now realize consume way more power than HC chips. There could also be other problems like the CPLD. In any case, it will be fun to try to figure everything out.

Posts related to 6502 Graphing Calculator

6502 Optimizing Assembler
This is a project I started to practice my Python skills and have a concrete project to talk about in job interviews. My plan is to analyze assembly files (not compiled binaries) and make optimizations based on a few simple assumptions. This will should be able to shave a few cycles off of unneeded instructions, which is especially useful when you are using macros. It will also be able to manage zero page much better than just assigning fixed addresses to each function or sacrificing the X register for use as a slow pseudo stack.

6502 Calculator Emulator
This is a 6502 emulator written in JavaScript that will let me test calculator firmware in the browser without having to upload it to a physical calculator. The emulation works at over 50MHz currently and passes Klaus' test suite. The input and screen output work, as well as memory paging like the real calculator will have. Now I have to find a way to speed up screen drawing, since I think this is the source of lag when typing. Then I will need to start writing the firmware for the calculator. Someday I will host it on a website so that other people can help me find bugs.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

7400 Logic Calculator: Breadboarding

In April, I made a lot of progress on my 7400 Logic Calculator project. The last month or so I have been focusing on other projects (which I will post about soon), so I wanted to make a post about this project while everything is relatively fresh on my mind, since I might put the project on hold for a while.

Since the last post about this project, I have made two major design changes. First, I did exchange the 74HC574 octal latch I was using as a register for 74HC670s as I mentioned in that post. The one latch I was using for the ALU is not enough since I need a second register to hold the second operand for the ALU and a third to hold the flags like carry from the ALU. Since the latches come in DIP20, three of them takes up about as much room as four 74HC670s in DIP16, which give a total of eight 8 bit registers. This will give way more flexibility for memory pointers and other uses that will speed things up and make programming easier.

The second change is to the program counters. Instead of saving a copy of the PC in its own register so that it can be reloaded later, the PC is loaded directly from the data bus. This is a little less convenient but became necessary when I thought through how to handle indirect memory addresses. The address latches for the SRAM are loaded from the PC, which is an idea I borrowed from the CSCvon8 project. It is also a minimal design and with less than 20 chips is a lot smaller than my design. One neat thing I found out about corresponding with the owner of that project is the 74LS593 counter which saves room since it is an 8 bit counter in one chip (most others I have found are 4 bit). This is the only 8 bit counter with load inputs that comes in HC. I ended up not using the chip since it doesn't have separate input and output lines, but I did order four of them from China while I was considering it. They look very new and shiny and are marked simply "JAPAN" rather than "ST," which is the only company I could find that ever manufactured them, so they are probably fakes. One day I will test them out and see for sure.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Improved 8051 DPTR Addressing

Today I was reading more about 8051 microcontrollers, and I realized I could make an improvement to some of the code I posted in 2017 for my BCD Addition Speed Test comparing the 6502 and 8051. As I wrote there, the 8051 has at least one 16 bit register called DPTR, which is the only way to get data to and from external memory. Unlike the 6502, there is no indexing or indirection when accessing external memory, so all addressing has to be done manually. Here is the macro I had in my other post to compare the two types of addressing, with an extra column showing cycle count:



LDY #Offset

STA (Address), Y 


IndexDPTR0 MACRO DPTR_copy, Index 
clr C 
mov A, DPTR_copy
add A, Index
mov DP0L, A
mov A, LOW(DPTR_copy)+1
addc A, #0
mov DP0H, A
push A
IndexDPTR0 Address, #Offset
pop A
movx @DPTR, A




The first improvement is to get rid of the clr C on line 002. I'm not sure how I missed something that simple! When I wrote the post, I had mostly worked with the 6502, which needs C to be explicitly cleared. Maybe writing MSP430 assembly, which also has an add without carry instruction, helped me realize that. The second improvement is eliminating the push on line 11 that saves the accumulator. One shortcut is to save that value to DP0H then restore it when the new DP0H is written using the xch instruction. This eliminates the pop on line 13 also. The new version looks like this:


LDY #Offset
STA (Address), Y 

IndexDPTR0 MACRO DPTR_copy, Index 
mov DP0H, A
mov A, DPTR_copy
add A, Index
mov DP0L, A
mov A, LOW(DPTR_copy)+1
addc A, #0
xch A, DP0H
IndexDPTR0 Address, #Offset
movx @DPTR, A



The macro is still 7 cycles but it saves the 4 cycles for push/pop or the 2 cycles to save A in a register instead. It also looks much cleaner and will hopefully lead to less headaches.

In addition to movx @DPTR, A and movx A, @DPTR there are also movx @Rn, A and movx A, @Rn instructions that I had not paid much attention to, since using them constrains where objects like BCD numbers can be stored. At the very least, those objects would have to fit into 256 byte pages to use those instructions, and realistically the objects might have to start at the beginning of the page and possibly waste some memory. On the other hand, I have been doing a lot more thinking about how to store those objects to build a graphing calculator. Splitting memory into regular chunks (regardless of the size the object it occupies actually requires) is one strategy to prevent memory fragmentation, so using the faster movx @Rn, A and movx A, @Rn instructions might be a good fit. The R registers are also much more flexible for indexing since it is faster to adjust the address when you don't have to account for crossing page boundaries like the macro does.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Tiny Calculator: Hardware

Tiny Calculator is business card size.
The hardware for this project is finally done! The first step was getting the LCD running. This time I went with a 128x32 LCD from Newhaven, which is a little pricey at $11. A simple HD44780 compatible LCD like I used for my RPN Scientific Calculator project would give me the same 20x4 character resolution for $3-4, but all the ones I have seen are way too big. Another option would be a small OLED screen, which are very cheap but would drain the CR2032 battery a lot faster.

The LCD has 17 pins with 1.5mm spacing, which is smaller than a breadboard or protoboard but still big enough to solder by hand. The majority of the pins are for capacitors, so I soldered a small adapter board to hold them and route the data pins to a breadboard. This was tedious and more difficult than I imagine when I bought the LCD but the hardware worked on the first try. After I got it running, I epoxied the LCD to the board. Next time, I think I will go with something easier to solder like an OLED screen even if it takes more current.

The datasheet for the LCD has some initialization code, which I could not get to work. A search turned up some working C code from another forum that was easy to get running with GCC for the MSP430. Translating the C code to assembly was a little tricky since some of the variables for initializing the SPI module on the MSP430 are not plain constants as you might expect from looking at the C code. It took some searching in the header files to figure out that what appears to be a constant is actually something cleverly defined to load a configuration value from the MSP430. After I got that working, everything else went smooth. Rather than try to design my own 5x7 font, I reused a character set I found on a German forum, which came in handy on another project I have been working on but haven't posted about yet.

The main board of the calculator is pretty simple. It just holds the microcontroller, CR2032 battery, and some pins for programming. All the wires are 30 gauge wire wrap I got from Mouser, which I really like using. The power lines are thicker gauge, but they are there more for color coding than because I need them to be that thick. 30 gauge copper is supposed to be able to carry more than the few mA I am using without dropping a lot of voltage.

The keypad has 35 keys, which is more than the 25 I was planning on originally. The main reason I did this is because it looked strange to have a square keypad. Also, there were two leftover pins since Xin and Xout can be reused as GPIO if there is no crystal.

 Each key takes up one 3x3 block on the protoboard, which is smaller than the 4x3 spacing of the keypad on my Pocket Calculator project. It turns out, it's not too difficult to bend the legs under the button a little to make them fit the tighter spacing. The LCD and the keypad both plug into the main board with headers.

Since the calculator runs on a battery, it's important to keep the calculator in low power mode as much as possible. This turned out to be surprisingly painless in assembly! Setting up interrupts is very straightforward too. The calculator scans the keypad a few dozen times a second and goes back to sleep if there is no work to be done. Each key has a byte of memory allocated to it to implement a counter for debouncing the keys and showing which keys have been read. My very cheap multimeter shows that the calculator uses a lot less current than the datasheet for the MSP430 and LCD suggest. Hopefully I can borrow better equipment and get a more accurate reading to try to better estimate how long the calculator should run before it needs a new battery.

The interface code is already mostly done and will be the topic of the next post on this project. After that, the only step left is adding the key labels.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

New Project: 7400 Logic Calculator

My newest project is a calculator using 7400-series logic chips. There are a lot of really neat computers built using these parts, and I would like to try building a relatively small one that fits into a calculator. My idea is to keep the design as minimal as possible, since even a simple computer of this type could get pretty big quickly. There are a few things I have been thinking of for a long time that should help me save space.

A few years ago, I got interested in building one of these computers using lookup tables on a flash or EEPROM chip to implement a simple ALU and got as far as putting a 4x4 bit look up on table on an EEPROM. Eventually, I gave up the idea since at least one other person had built essentially the same thing that I wanted to build, and I didn't want to totally reinvent the wheel. Recently, I got interested in the idea again when I saw Ben Eater's excellent series on building an 8-bit breadboard computer. It uses an EEPROM for microcode, which is what I had considered for other projects. Another neat project I looked at is the Gigatron, which is a different RISC-type design that I don't think uses microcode. So far, I have been able to get a fairly simple version of what I want to build going in the Atanua simulator:

After I got this going, I already started looking for ways to make the circuit smaller and fit into a calculator sized case. First, I have four registers, which would make programming a lot more convenient, but I would leave out to save space. Also, I have two microcode ROMs, like in Ben Eater's design, although I could survive with just one if I latch out some of the control codes from the program ROM.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Tiny Calculator: Improved CORDIC

Since my last post I have made a lot of changes to the CORDIC routines I was working on. As you can see in the chart above, the new version fits in less than the 4.1k of the last version even after adding in logarithms. The change came after I found an article about how the HP-35 did CORDIC calculations. Unlike the other descriptions of the method I have used, this version uses an atan table of powers of 10 instead of powers of 2. This lets you shift the arguments by whole decimal places, which is much faster with BCD numbers than powers of 2 . Before, I had wondered if this would be more efficient, but I don't understand the math behind it well enough to modify the routine myself. My implementation of the method the HP-35 uses only takes 90k cycles, compared to the 1.18 million of the last version. The X and Y that the calculation produces, however, cannot be scaled to produce sine and cosine directly. The scale factor depends on the number of rotations, which is easy to precalculate when the angle is halved every iteration, but not possible to know in advance when you use powers of 10 since each iteration requires up to 9 calculations with each affecting the scale factor. As a result, the ratio of X and Y provides the tangent and the HP-35 used identities involving multiplication, division, and square root to generate sine and cosine from tangent. In addition to the 90k cycles for the CORDIC calculation, I would need at least another 140k cycles for these identities. This is 5 times faster than how I was doing it before, although I'm afraid the accuracy would suffer from the added calculations.

The next thing I tried was posting on the HP museum forum, where Thomas Klemm showed me how to do CORDIC calculations in base 10 without resorting to identities. This was a huge help and a much better way to do things than anything I have tried before. The newest routine I have calculates tangent in only 186k cycles and provides sine and cosine without additional calculations! Like in Thomas' version, I tried to make this CORDIC routine more generic so that I can reuse it for inverse trig functions too. Logarithms and powers of e turned out to be much simpler than trig functions using the method described on the same page about the HP-35.

There are still a lot of things to learn about MSP430 assembly. One thing that tripped me up was thinking that RRA automatically shifts a 0 in from the left when rotating when it actually reproduces the leftmost bit instead. Another surprise was that shifting packed BCD by two decimal places is just as fast loading a word from memory, swapping and combining bytes, then writing the result back to memory as it is to just copy bytes directly. I thought the byte copies would be faster, but I was actually able to shave one cycle off by loading and writing words. I rewrote this short section of code five different times trying to save a cycle or two and eventually realized that this is not a useful way to spend my time. This improvement is too tiny to ever be noticeable, and I want to finish this project soon. There are a few other small improvements I have not spent time on since they would provide only a negligible speed up.

The next step is to start working on hardware and the interface code.