Wednesday, January 5, 2022

2022 Project Goals

Though I haven't made many posts in the past two years, I have been working on projects slowly but surely. As time passes, I realize how important it is to focus on a small number of projects so that some of them eventually get finished. For 2022, I'd like to pick exactly which projects I want to finish. Hopefully this will motivate me and help me focus!

Main projects

6507 Graphing Calculator
This project is still going after 18 months of work. While I haven't made any progress on implementing the new firmware features I mentioned in my last post on this, I have been working a lot on a subproject for verifying the calculator's floating point routines. Like many projects, this took a lot more time than I expected. Hopefully, I'll be done with this subproject soon so I can post about it. I've also been working on a way to make nice plastic keys for the calculator.

PIC32 Robot
This is an idea I've had for a long time for a simple "robot" built using a PIC32 microcontroller. It's a really interesting project that shouldn't take nearly as long as the calculator projects. It will be a good opportunity to get familiar with PIC32s which I want to use for a future calculator project. Hopefully, I can devote a little bit of time to this and still have time to finish or at least make good progress on the 6507 Graphing Calculator this year.

Other projects

Tiny Calculator
Since the 6507 competition began in 2020, I stopped working on this calculator. In the unlikely event that I finish the 6507 calculator this year, I'd like to return to this project and make some major changes. First, the floating point routines need to be redone using proper guard, round, and sticky like I learned how to do for the 6507 calculator. The existing Tiny Calculator firmware doesn't round in a conformant way and instead uses 32 decimal places to try to mitigate the rounding errors. Also, the routines use 9's complement as TI shows in their documentation for BCD subtraction. It became clear after writing most of the firmware that this wasn't the right way to go, but I didn't have the heart to rewrite everything. My plan now is to take as much as I can of the existing firmware and write a library of BCD floating point functions that use 10's complement with 12 decimal places and proper rounding then call those functions from C to rewrite the Tiny Calculator firmware. I'd also like to find a better solution for the keys and case.

PIC32 Calculator
This is another project I have thought about for a long time. This should be much simpler to tackle than my other calculator projects since I won't be writing the firmware from scratch. If I'm able to finish my two main projects this year, this is another one I'd like to start working on.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

7400 Logic Calculator: Project End

After two and a half years of on and off work, I'm ready to end this project. Unfortunately, I got distracted by other things and never got close to finishing the project. When I last worked on it, the calculator could step through program memory, load immediate values, and move values between registers. The ALU in the form of a DIP8 SPI EEPROM was programmed but never hooked up to the rest of the circuit. A few months ago when I moved, I finally took apart all the breadboards, so the calculator is officially gone. Below are some ideas about what I would like to keep and what I would like to do differently next time if I ever return to this project. Over the past few years, I've thought a lot about how to redesign this, so I may change my mind again. These are the ideas I have so far.

What to keep

Control signals in instructions
Like most other TTL computers, this one used an EEPROM to store the microcode controlling the state of the components in the system. Since the instruction byte is just an arbitrarily assigned index into a lookup table, I also encoded information in the instruction itself. This let me save room in the design and is part of how everything fit into one microcode EEPROM instead of two.

Work on both sides of the clock
An inverted copy of the clock signal latches values where necessary so that state changes in the circuit when the clock signal goes up and is latched when it goes down. This is simpler than trying to coordinate machine cycles like a Z80 or 8051.

Separate RAM and program memory
As tempting as it is to build a Von Neumann architecture where addresses can refer to RAM or ROM, it's simpler to keep the two types of memory apart.

What to change

Move from 8-bit to 4-bit architecture
This is the biggest change since it affects a lot of the other aspects of the design. It will hopefully require fewer chips and simplify some things. In the old design, for example, there were four 74HC670s that form two sets of four registers for a total of eight 8-bit registers. In the new design, one 8-bit latch should be enough to hold two 4-bit registers. This is also a good register size since the BCD numbers a calculator uses are divided into 4 bits for each decimal place. 

Simplify design
The old design was up to over 30 chips without being finished. Space on the two protoboards I planned to put the chips on was starting to get really tight. The new design should be simpler since it only uses 4-bit registers and also because I have some new ideas for reducing the chip count like using pull ups to eliminate a lot of buffers. For example, to load immediate values into one half of the 8-bit latch that holds the two 4-bit registers, the immediate value can be encoded in the instruction and fed to the data bus with pull ups. Z-stating everything that can drive the data bus and loading the latch will load the immediate. The other 4-bit half can drive the other four bits of the data bus so the load retains the value in the other half of the latch. Another idea is to use pullups to the RAM address bus driven by the bits of the instruction to refer to eight or 16 bytes of RAM that can be used like registers.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
My plan to use a DIP8 EEPROM as an ALU was something novel about the old design but at the same time also what held me back from finishing it. The EEPROM I found had 4MB of storage, so it could hold 64 tables 8x8 in size. Adding a carry bit, this would mean 32 ALU operations which is definitely enough to implement what I was planning with the calculator. Carry could also serve to refer to different instructions in cases where it isn't used, such as multiply and divide, so the practical number of instructions would be much more than 32. The problem with this setup is getting the 22 bits of information needed for every ALU operation into the EEPROM efficiently along with the eight bits or more needed to put the device into read mode. One idea was to run a second clock eight or 16 times faster than the main clock and use that to clock data into the EEPROM, but I could never figure out how to get the two systems to cooperate while running at different speeds. Also, this setup would require extra latches and shift registers which would probably negate any space savings from using the EEPROM in DIP8. The new design will use a 32KB EEPROM. With eight bits for the two 4-bit registers and one bit for the carry bit, there will be room for 64 ALU operations.

There are a few aspects of this that I haven't figured out yet. One is how to handle the carry bit. The 8-bit latch holding the two 4-bit registers will drive the ALU and also receive it's output, so in the case of addition, one half will contain the sum and the other half will contain the carry. From there, there needs to be some way to record the carry bit since it will be overwritten when a new value is loaded into the register. The easy way is to add a latch to capture the carry, though I hope I can devise something that doesn't add to the chip count like having that latch do something else useful with the other seven bits.

Another interesting advantage of using an 8-bit latch to hold both registers that feed the ALU is that the latch can load an 8-bit address value from ROM or RAM and increment it with the ALU without having to do it in two 4-bit halves. The problem with this is that the ALU output is only 8-bits so there is no room to record the carry output which would be needed to increment a 16-bit pointer. One solution is to keep the 8-bit value in the latch and test if it's zero to know if it overflowed. Another idea is to have a separate bit fed to the ALU so that operations can have a second 8-bit output when needed as in this case with the carry bit. The advantage of this is that 4-bit operations could also have a carry output without trashing one of the two 4-bit registers to hold the carry.

Microcode changes
The old design embedded microcode directly into the program ROM in order to reduce the number of microcode ROMs from two down to one. This made some instructions balloon to many bytes. In retrospect, I don't think even a simple scientific calculator would have fit into the 8KB EEPROM I was using since the encoding was so inefficient. The next design will use a more traditional setup without microcode steps in the program. I'm still trying to think of ways to get away with only one EEPROM for microcode. One idea is to store two 8-bit values on the EEPROM for each microcode step and add a second latch to output the second byte every instruction cycle.

Program Counter (PC)
The program counter is another area that proved to be more difficult than I imagined. For one, connecting three 4-bit counters is a huge amount of wiring and only allows for an 8KB program ROM. Unfortunately, as I mentioned in a previous post, there are no readily available 8-bit counters that can be loaded with an arbitrary value. One simplification is to use two 4-bit counters and an 8-bit latch to allow a full 64KB address space. This would require the last instruction in every 256 byte page of program space to change the 8-bit latch to the next page. The assembler could insert those instructions in the background without the programmer needing to worry about them.

The old design used a mixture of 3.3v and 5v since the EEPROMs all need 5v while the DIP8 EEPROM for the ALU needed 3.3v. The next time around, I plan to keep everything the same voltage if possible. Hopefully, this will eliminate the HCT parts I was using for managing level translations.

Building this type of TTL computer in a simulator is one of the most fun parts of these projects. The last time, I used Atanua to simulate part of it. Unfortunately, I found a major bug in one of the counter chips that would be used for the program counter. The author of Atanua responded to my email reporting the bug but was not helpful in fixing it since he no longer maintains Atanua. There are also useful chips like the 74HC670 that aren't simulated in Atanua, so I think I would try making my own TTL simulator next time. This would be quite a lot of work which is part of my hesitation to jump back into this project.

Miscellaneous ideas
There are a few other interesting things that might be useful for this project that I haven't found a place for yet. The 74HC670 that I was using for registers before is an amazing chip that I don't have plans for in the new design. Implementing some type of bank switching for the RAM or ROM using this might help reduce a chip or two, though there would have to be a way to set it without adding extra chips.

Another interesting observation is that a latch holding eight bits of an address plus four more bits encoded in an instruction would let me specify 12 bits which is enough to address 4KB of RAM. Since 16 bytes can hold a BCD floating point number, memory could be split up into 256 chunks 16 bytes in size. This could shrink the SRAM addressing mechanism to just one 8-bit latch. The problem is that encoding the lower four bits in the instructions means there is no flexibility to loop through the 16 bytes programmatically, so a different mechanism would be needed for when that's necessary.

Monday, January 3, 2022

TI-86 Battery Discharger

In 2015, I got an ESP8266 with the hopes of using it to connect a graphing calculator to the internet. The plan was to swap the four 1.5v AAA batteries in a TI-86 for two 3.6v 10440 batteries and use the space freed up in the battery compartment to house the ESP8266. The TI-86 would have acted as a terminal to more powerful mathematical software like Mathematica or Matlab running on my computer. My last post mentioning this project was about Makevention 2015 and explained that there were power supply problems running the ESP8266 on a breadboard. Since then, this project has been on the back burner.

While I haven't done anything with the ESP8266 since then, I did put batteries in the TI-86 this past year so it would be ready to use if I ever wanted it. When I turned it on, the screen was solid black. This happens sometimes with new batteries when the contrast is set too high after being increased over and over as the last set of batteries decreases in voltage. This time, adjusting the contrast down didn't show any noticeable change. After a few minutes of letting the calculator run, the contrast decreased gradually until the text on the screen was visible. This was really puzzling behavior.

Searching the internet didn't turn up much for calculators that malfunction with a dark screen. While trying to troubleshoot the problem myself, I checked the voltage of the batteries with my multimeter. In all of my calculators, I have Lithium AAAs since they don't leak and damage the calculator the way alkalines can. The voltage of the AAAs in the TI-86 was around 1.8v, far above the 1.5v nominal voltage of a AAA and the 1.6v of new alkaline AAAs I've measured. After letting the calculator run a while until the text on the screen became visible, I measured the battery voltage again and it was over 1.6v. It seems the voltage drops as the calculator runs which eventually lowers the contrast, so I decided to build a circuit to discharge the batteries down to the optimal point for the contrast.

The discharger I built uses an MSP430 to switch an NPN transistor that bleeds the batteries for one second at a time through eight parallel 1/4W resistors. After each one second discharge, the MSP430 takes an ADC voltage reading from a resistor divider that lowers the battery voltage down to the range the MSP430 can safely measure. The MSP430 then displays the ADC voltage read, the calculated voltage of the batteries, and run time on a very small OLED. Part of the justification (and fun) for this project was learning how to drive the OLED since I'd like to use one for a calculator screen someday. The whole discharge process repeats until the battery voltage hits 1.55v. In my case, it took 42 seconds to hit the target voltage. 

After the batteries discharged to 1.55v, I put them in the TI-86 and the contrast was perfect! This was very satisfying. However, the next morning when I woke up and turned the calculator on, the contrast was back to solid black since the battery voltage had floated back up to over 1.7v overnight. Apparently, this is a normal part of battery chemistry. For the discharger to work, I would need to figure out how far down below 1.55v to discharge the batteries so that they wouldn't rise over 1.6v overnight. Rather than spending multiple days testing battery discharge and recovery cycles, I soldered a piece of protoboard to replace one of the four batteries and lower the average total voltage:

This lowered the contrast to the right level. Ultimately, the battery discharger was a failure though I had fun building something new with an MSP430 and learned how to drive an OLED display. After a year, the contrast still looks great.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Linux for Embedded Development

A little over a year ago, I bought a new Casio FX-9750GIII graphing calculator. It really appealed to me for several reasons so I decided to buy one even though my days of collecting calculators are mostly over. One of the main things I like is that it comes with Python which has become one of my favorite programming languages. Another interesting thing is that the processor speed was doubled to 59MHz over the preceding FX-9750GII making it as fast as the FX-9860GII and the FX-CG50. Amazingly, there is a port of Xcas for it, so you can run the same Computer Algebra System (CAS) used in the HP PrimeTI-89, and TI-Nspire. The styling of this one has changed back to the standard rectangular design which is much better than the awkward and ugly rounded design Casio used for some of the preceding models. All of this is very impressive and it only costs $39! Best of all, it can run programs written in C and assembly like previous Casio models. Other modern calculators like the HP PrimeTI-Nspire, and TI-84+ CE don't allow native code execution which is why I've stayed away from them. The catch with the FX-9750GIII is that the GCC toolchain put together by the community only runs on Linux. It took quite a bit of work getting the toolchain installed on Ubuntu in a virtual machine since I didn't have much experience with Linux. A few months ago, I moved everything over to an old server that someone donated. Below are some things I've learned while doing more and more of my embedded projects on Ubuntu.

Virtual Machine
At first, I installed Ubuntu Server on VirtualBox so I could use the GCC toolchain for the FX-9750GIII. It took quite a while to install and then some more work to get things like networking and a shared folder with the host to work. The GCC toolchain turned out to be very problematic to install which was not entirely due to my lack of experience with Linux. Thankfully, the maintainer of the toolchain put in a lot of work helping me get it working on the Planet Casio forum. One of the first problems was trying to get the scripts working without understanding how the various types of shells work in Linux which is very different from the Windows command prompt I'm used to using. There is a package called GiteaPC that the maintainers put together that is supposed to install everything, but this didn't work for me at first either. Other problems were beyond my control such as not being able to update CMake to the version the toolchain requires. For this, I had to update Ubtuntu from 20.04 LTS to 21.04 which does not have long term support. CMake also had problems finding the PATH variables. Eventually, I did get the toolchain running, though it failed when trying to install it again sometime later since the maintainers had changed the toolchain's structure so it no longer built correctly. In the end, I did get GiteaPC working, again with the help of the maintainers, though I have to say the weeks-long process of just getting to Hello, World was pretty awful. All of this led me to reinstalling Ubuntu several times on VirtualBox.